
The burning bush, as known from the Book of Exodus, may or may not refer to this genus, as its natural range, from Western Europe, through the Middle East and all the way to Eastern Asia doesn't match (although its close) with the events in the bible. However, the plant is full of volatile oils, that it is possible for the plant, to burn, under the right, conditions! Its not happened here at Beth's, but we do grow this is the hottest and driest part of our garden, where it thrives.

The showy flowers are pollinated exclusively by bees, and only the largest visitors achieve what the plant is hoping for (pollen transfer) given the distance between the anthers and the style. However, smaller types of pollinators may be able to access the nectar without delivering a pollination service. The oils in all parts of the plant serve to deter insects from eating them, as well as helping keep the plant cool in hot conditions through the botanical equivalent of sweating.

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Potted, but not quite ready for sale, check again soon or register your interest Growing on

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